Digital Mobile Radio

Digital Mobile Radio

  1. Digital Mobile Radio
  2.         DV Developed by the Amateur Radio Community
  3.     Digital Voice (DV) Modes
  4.         Commercially Developed for Public Utilities
  5.         Digital Voice Systems - DV
  6. Exploring Digital Voice Modes
  7.     What is the DMR Standard?
  8.     What is a Vobcoder?
  9.     Overview of Digial Mobile Radio (DMR) Mode
  10.     The History of DMR
  11.         What is a DMR Repeater
  12.         What is a DMR Reflector?
  13.         DMR IPSC2+ Master Servers
  14.     DMR Servers
  15.     The VK-DMR Network
  16.     Some DMR Radios on the Market
  17.     Some DMR Radios on the Market
  18. VKDMR - The Australian DMR Network
  19.     RadioID - Obtaining a Radio ID
  20.     DMR Network - Repeaters, Hotspots, Apps
  21. The Structure of Code Plugs
  22.     Updating Firemware on the Retevis RT3S
  23.     Installing Retevis Codeplug Software
  24.     Using the Codeplug Software (CPS)
  25. Setting up a DMR Station
  26. Multi Mode Digital Voice Modem
  27. Operating a DMR Station
  28. The Future of DMR
  29. BARC and DMR Resources
  30.     A Digital Future
  31.     Editing the RT3S Codeplug
  32.     Editing a Codeplug with OpenRTX
  33.     Installing Pi-Star on the MMDVM Hotspot
  34. Codeplug and Pi-Star Tutorials
  35. Digital Mobile Radio

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