Echolink Presentations

Jonathan Taylor K1RFD who developed EchoLink the Voice over Internet Protocol network for linking repeaters and amateurs, was a guest of the Hunter Radio Group VK2AWX in Newcastle on the 14th of September 2023. EchoLink has a global reach of nearly half a million amateur radio users. Amateur Radio New South Wales provided a link via Zoom so Jonathan’s talk could be heard worldwide. Jonathan, a resident of Connecticut USA, was inducted into the CQ magazine Amateur Radio Hall of Fame in 2005.

Jonathan Taylor K1RFD EchoLink Arc 1 - An evening with the inventor of EchoLink:
(AllstarLink is disdussed at about 30 minutes.)

EchoLink Presentation Jonathan K1RFD (2023-09-14):

HRU 2014 - Echolink / VOIP - Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD:

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
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