FreeDMR Technical

  1. Editing the MMDVM's Config with the Command Line
  2. Backup and Restore file by Command Line
  3. Australian Servers
  4. Option String
  5. [DMR Network] stanza
  6. Australian FreeDMR Talkgroups
  7. Dial-a-TG

Related Pages:
  1. Retevis-RT3S
  2. FreeDMR-in-Brisbane


Editing the MMDVM's Config with the Command Line

When you do not have access to the HTML port 80, then yiu can edit the MMDVM config directly by th ecommand line. I use sercure shell, ssh or Putty on Windows to login to the Repeater and use the command line to edit /etc/mmdvmhost file. Fire set the file syste, to read write with "rpi-rw" command and then I use the "sudo vi" command to edit /etc/mmdvmhosts. This file is separated into stanzas denoted by square brackets with each stanza covering a different are of functionasllity.

As as example, if I wished to change the DMR server address I would. made a copy of the mmdvmhost file to mmdvmhost.[yyyymmdd]scroll down to the [DMR Network] stanza, find the "Address=" field and make the changes, adding a comment line, i the format [gnlyyyymmdd commnet], above to remind me of the changes I have made. The "gnl" is fairly unique so I can quickly search for nay changes I have made and the [yyyymmdd] will let me find the copied backup file so I can restore to the last working state if I have made a botch up of the job.

It is also handy to make a full config backup.


Backup and Restore file by Command Line

The Pi-Star install load command line scripts into /usr/local/sbin, many of which are useful. Of course, inspect the script to accertian it function before running and the web pages are /var/www/. The backup (called Doenload) and restore scripts are executed inside php in the page /var/www/dashboard/admin/config_backup.php.


Australian Servers

ServerIDServer AddressIP AddressPortComment

All server have the same password of "PASSWORD" and use the same port "62031".


Option String

For Example:


[DMR Network] stanza

Download the entire /etc/mmdvmhost from the VK4RBA repeater at Rochdale:



Australian FreeDMR Talkgroups

505National Calling
5050News Nets and Ragchews
5055Central States
5056Western States
50510FM RepeaterLink VK/ZL
50595OZ-DMR Australia News & Chat

505ASL560020 XLX299-V YSF30691
5050ASL560021 XLX299-W YSF82110
50510ASL572110 XLX299-I



By standard definition the DIAL paramater in the option string functions like this:
DIAL=0 Turns off Dail-a-TG feature where DIAL=9 Permits Dial-a-TG on time slot 2 and defaults time slot 2 to TG9

Other behaivour is:

Another issues I was having is that the Private Call Hold Timer in the CPS was set to 1 sec, so the dialed TG was lost 1 second after releasing the PPT. Initially I thought the server was at fault. The Anytones come set to 1 sec. I now have to set to infinity so I have to change channels to release the dialed TG. The Setting on the RT3s is default of 4 seconds and a maximium of 7 seconds. The settings on my OpenGD77 may be different. Something to check if you are using Dial-a-TG. With the Anytones the setting is found in the Code Plug Software(CPS):

CPS -> Public -> Optional Setting -> Digital Func -> Private Call Hold Time

Glenn Lyons VK4PK
Ver:gnl2020119 - published v1.1